
Find the Perfect
Bike Tour in San Francisco

San Francisco is incredibly bike-friendly, 这意味着乘坐两个轮子是游览这座城市的绝佳方式.

San Francisco is a bike-friendly city. Hopping on your own set of wheels is a great way to see the city. 无论您是想遵循我们的合作伙伴预定的路线之一,还是有导游陪同您, there are plenty of options for seeing San Francisco by bike tour.

Find Your Bike

Bay City Bike Rentals and Tours

501 Bay St.

Bay City Bike offers guided tours that range from six to 15 miles, both in the city and beyond, and for all skill levels and ages. 你也可以租一辆他们的自行车,自己探索这座城市. Traveling with a big group? Bay City Bike is great for private events.

Book a Bike Rental

Bike & View San Francisco Bike Rentals and Tours

1772 Lombard St.

All rentals at Bike & View San Francisco 免费提供头盔、自行车锁、地图和行李包. 他们建议的自助游路线会带你去贝博体彩app32个最令人印象深刻的景点, from Oracle Park to Fisherman's Wharf and all the way to the Legion of Honor.

Blazing Saddles Bike Rentals & Tours

2715 Hyde St.

Blazing Saddles' guides will take you across the Golden Gate Bridge to Sausalito, 而他们的自助游提供的路线可以带你深入山区, scenic Marin County. 他们还有一个电动自行车车队,任何人都可以使用,因为他们不愿意一直沿街叫卖.

Book a Bike Rental

Dandyhorse San Francisco Bike Tours & Rentals

1259 Hampshire St.

丹迪马的旅游路线旨在让你远离人迹罕至的道路, and with its staff of expert local guides, you'll really get an authentic taste of San Francisco. We do mean that literally—one of their offerings is the Mission Food & Murals tour!

Dylan's Tours

782 Columbus Ave.

We included Dylan's Tours 在我们的优秀巴士旅游名单上,但他们也提供带导游的电动自行车旅游. 看看贝博体彩app所有你坐四个轮子到不了但坐两个轮子就能到的地方! 你可以选择全程导游,也可以选择让你有时间独自探索这座城市.

Book a Bike Rental

Ford GoBike

Various Locations

在贝博体彩app,你可能会看到一排排的蓝色福特gobike popular neighborhoods. 这些自行车可以收费租用,但它们是用于邻里之间的旅行. 它们不与任何旅游产品相关联,并且只用于有限的时间使用. 如果你在规定的时间内没有归还,你可能会被收费. 这就是为什么游客想要充分利用他们的时间在两个轮子上, we recommend the following options.

Golden Gate Park Bike & Skate

3038 Fulton St.

如果你不想走得太远,可以考虑在金门公园租一辆自行车 & Skate. Located near the de Young Museum and the California Academy of Sciences, this company's bikes can be used around the park, up to the Presidio, and across the Golden Gate Bridge.

Parkwide Bike Rentals and Tours

501 Bay St.

One big benefit of Parkwide's 服务是他们在城市有多个地点,这意味着单程租赁是一个选择. Traveling with a group and want to share the work of peddling? Parkwide有两个和四个座位的调查,你可以沿着道路骑 Golden Gate Park and others.

Unlimited Biking

887 Beach St.

Rent a bike to explore San Francisco on your own, or join Unlimited Biking 在导游的带领下进行令人振奋的自行车之旅,穿过受欢迎的社区和景点,比如 Fisherman's Wharf, Ghirardelli Square, Golden Gate Bridge and more. They have the largest fleet of high-quality Cannondale Bikes, including hybrid, road, e-bikes, tandem, and baby seat attachments. To make your bike adventure even more convenient, a helmet, basket, bike lock, 您的租金还包括带主要景点的彩色编码地图.

Book a Bike Rental

Wheel Fun Rentals

2627 Taylor St.

Wheel Fun 拥有多种自行车(手动和电动,公路和山地,以及成人和家庭双人). 导游带您穿过金门大桥前往索萨利托和蒂布隆, 之后你可以乘渡轮穿过海湾回到贝博体彩app.

Find Your Route

Guided tours are great, but if you're set on exploring San Francisco on your own, 这个城市有很多清晰的路线,你可以骑着自行车走.

The San Francisco Bay Trail

Lining the city's bayfront from Dogpatch to the Golden Gate Bridge, 贝博体彩app湾步道只是全长500英里的一小部分,这条路线将带你穿越整个海湾周边. 在贝博体彩app,这是一段平坦而轻松的旅程,带你经过这座城市最具标志性的一些建筑 attractions.

Great Highway

Would you rather ride along the ocean? Start high up near Land's End and cruise south down through the Richmond and Sunset neighborhoods along Great Highway. It's a smooth ride without much vehicular traffic to contend with. 额外的好处是:你可以很容易地进入金门公园,沿着它的许多道路和小巷骑行.

The Wiggle

有趣的事实:这条路在汽车、自行车、甚至马之前就存在了! 曾经是当地印第安人用来避开贝博体彩app最陡峭斜坡的小路, this bike route connects downtown Market Street to NoPa and Haight-Ashbury. It earned its name for the frequent turns along its one-mile stretch. Your arms may get more of a work-out than your legs!

Marin Headlands

Sure, 我们的许多自行车租赁公司和旅游合作伙伴都为您提供骑车穿越金门大桥的机会,但是当您到达对岸时,为什么不多骑几次呢? The roads in the Marin Headlands feature designated bike lanes, meaning that you can keep peddling up and over the high hills, 探索这个受保护的避难所,见证海湾的壮丽景色, the bridge, and the city behind you.

Skyline Boulevard

Looking to journey beyond city limits and explore the peninsula? 天际线大道(也被称为加州35号公路)始于贝博体彩app, 但最适合骑自行车的地段是半月湾和圣何塞之间. 车流量很轻,道路本身的高度让你可以看到硅谷的壮观景色, the south end of San Francisco Bay and the Pacific Ocean.

Make the Most of Your Ride


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Dan Rosenbaum Headshot
Dan Rosenbaum

Dan is the Vice President, Global Marketing, at San Francisco Travel. 十多年来,贝博体彩app一直是他的家(这使他成为当地人,对吧?). On the weekends, you can find him with a cup of craft coffee in hand, a playlist of good vibes, a growing list of books to read, or out at the city's hottest new restaurant or bar.